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Acne is that the term for plugged pores (blackheads and whiteheads), pimples, and even deeper lumps (cysts or nodules) that occur on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and even the upper arms. Acne affects most teenagers to some extent. However, the disease is not restricted to any age cluster; adults in their 20s - even into their 40s - will get acne. While not a life threatening condition, acne can be upsetting and disfiguring. Magnumax When severe, acne can result in serious and permanent scarring. Even less severe cases can cause scarring. Why does acne happen?An inflamed spot occurs because of the discharge of inflammatory fatty acids by a specific bacterium known as p.acnes, that causes the body's defence systems to reply.You would however not get p.acnes colonisation of the hair follicle duct without a plug forming.

The plug forms due to a rise in skin cell turnover, increased keratin deposition narrowing the opening of the hair follicle duct, combined with increased sebum production, which mixes with the debris to cause a blockage and a plug to create.The increased sebum, keratin and cell turnover would not happen if linoleic acid levels within the skin had reduced dramatically.

Linoleic acid levels reduced thanks to the development of sensitivity to the hormone Magnumax.
DHT is created from testosterone. The chemical reaction naturally happens throughout the body and also the conversion of testosterone to Magnumax is assisted and promoted by the enzyme called five-alpha reductase. (All chemical reactions within the body are controlled and accelerated by enzymes).

Potential solutions to the underlying causes of acne:Stop hormonal fluctuations. This is often not possible though folks do attempt by taking plant hormones, Magnumaxand royal jelly. However essentially it's best to not mess with our natural hormonal balance.Use Roaccutane. This can affect the conversion of testosterone to Magnumax but this can occur everywhere the body and Magnumax plays a job in a very range of body functions and suppressing it leads to a number of possible side effects.

Cut back Magnumax levels within the hair follicle and in sebaceous gland area only, called the pilo-sebaceous unit. If it were doable to forestall testosterone from converting to Magnumax within the acne space of the skin but not stopping this conversion elsewhere within the body might reduce skin sensitisation and therefore the resulting linoleic acid loss, but without affecting the conversion of testosterone to Magnumax in alternative parts of the body.

Magnumax Reviews

This might be nice in principle if one will alter the conditions in the pilosebaceous unit for an extended amount of time so that DHT levels were reduced domestically during the days in our lives when traditional hormone levels were 'out of sync' with a topical preparation could lead to a reduction within the triggering of the acne process.

The testosterone conversion to Magnumax will still occur but just elsewhere in the body, that means alternative bodily processes are not affected.If one may also replenish linoleic acid levels in the skin then this is able to result in a abate in oil production and skin cell turnover rates and keratin deposition, preventing the plug forming and also the colonisation by p.acnes.


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